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HST Guidelines & Call for Articles

Submission Guidelines for Human Services Today Magazine

Welcome Contributors! Human Services Today invites submissions from human service professionals, educators, students, and advocates who wish to share their knowledge, research, experiences, and creative expressions with a broad readership. Whether you are a seasoned writer or a first-time contributor, we welcome your insights that can enlighten and inspire our community.

Content Areas

We accept submissions in the following categories:

  •  In-depth analysis on current trends, research findings, and key challenges in the field of human services.
  • Thought-provoking essays and commentaries on significant issues affecting the human services sector.
  • Stories showcasing successful programs, innovative practices, and impactful community projects.
  • First-person accounts highlighting personal experiences in the field, lessons learned, and professional growth.
  • Reviews of recent books, films, podcasts, and other media relevant to human services.
  • Accessible summaries of recent research studies, with implications for practice.
  • Poems, short stories, photographs, and artwork that reflect themes relevant to human services and community engagement.


All submissions, including articles and creative works, must be less than 1,500 words. Submissions exceeding this limit will be returned for trimming.

Written works should be submitted in Word format. Photographs and artwork should be in high-resolution JPEG or PNG files.

Write in a clear, concise, and accessible language, avoiding excessive jargon. Use APA style for citations when including references.

Include a brief bio (50-100 words) and a professional photo with your submission.

What we do not accept:

Promotional articles: articles should not be attempting to sell or promote a product or service. If your piece is promotional in nature it would be better suited as an advertisement. Please keep all references to programs or services that could be interpreted as promotional from your pieces and instead replace them with generic terms (i.e. substance use program versus the name of a program).

How to Submit

You can upload your submissions directly through our website. Please click here to access the submission form.

Review Process

Your submission will be reviewed by our editorial board within 2-4 weeks. You will receive feedback and may be asked to make revisions. Please note that while we respect the integrity of your original submission, we reserve the right to make editorial changes. These changes aim to enhance readability, clarity, and flow, ensuring that your work aligns with the magazine's standards and style. We will collaborate closely with you on any significant alterations to maintain the essence of your contribution.

Final acceptance will depend on the suitability of the piece for upcoming thematic issues.


Accepted articles and creative works will be scheduled for the next available issue that best aligns with the theme of the content.

Rights and Permissions

Contributors must ensure they have the right to use any supplemental materials (images, quotes, etc.) and provide proper credits. By submitting to us, you agree to our terms of use and confirm that your work is original and unpublished elsewhere.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact . We look forward to your contributions!

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